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What is a Lifebook?

Have you ever heard the term 'lifebook'? A lifebook is very beneficial to your child. It is like a storybook that you create that will help your child become aware of his/her past and understand how (s)he came to be a part of your family. As it would detail any information you might get about the city of birth, the biological parents, the reason the child was placed for adoption, etc., it will help answer many questions that adopted children are bound to ask. Also, it will likely be the best source of information for instilling pride and self-worth. What better gift could you give a child wanting to connect with the past?

Many people create a lifebook with scrapbooking techniques and layouts, making aesthetic pages that are not only informative but also very creative. Some parents involve their children in the creation of the lifebook, letting the child pick out page embellishments or contributing to the words that are put on the page.

My site is geared towards adoptive and foster parents that want to make a lifebook!  Some items to help you get started and get it done: